Annerieke Simeone Telegraph

'Men in ministry'

"Today we are letting the men serve us," said hostess Annerieke Simeone of publisher Media Fresca with a wink. She and her brand-new publishing house are temporarily holding office in a special 'meeting suite' in the hotel. "I am a publisher of high-quality books, magazines and newspapers about...

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BOIDR 2024 launch

Annerieke had some news: she is starting her own publishing company, Media Fresca

"The VVD MPs were meeting the morning after the elections next door, in the Johan de Witthuis," interior designer Arie Alderliesten told us. "They looked crestfallen." In his shop on Kneuterdijk in The Hague, publisher Annerieke Simeone launched the annual edition of her magazine Bij Ons In De Residentie,...

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LaunchBOIDR2020 Editor-in-Chief Annerieke Simeone And Alderman Saskia Bruines

'Hopefully, we are giving entrepreneurs heart in these difficult times'

Richard de Mos The D66 politician, whose connection to The Hague is mainly her husband raised in the residence, has had a turbulent time in City Hall. Aldermen Richard de Mos and Rachid Guernaoui, the latter a former party colleague, had to resign on suspicion of...

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