'At ordinary banks, personal attention is increasingly disappearing'Building a personal relationship with clients. That is the beauty of the wealth management profession, thinks Marian Dessing, the managing director of InsingerGilissen on Alexanderstraat. "We listen, think along and help make financial goals come true. On a driveway lined with lush green... Read more |
'Our great strength is that we are in The Hague'What do you do when you have to create a story for BOIDR about a Hague-based translation agency that then gets to translate this story - and all the other texts - itself for the first English version of this magazine? Do you deliberately keep it simple or do you challenge the... Read more |
12 x young and successful entrepreneurs from The HagueUrgent Vertalen Alicia Posthuma (31), co-owner of Urgent Vertalen, translations and legalisations, works with translators and freelance translators who are all so qualified and specialised that no assignment is ever labelled 'mission impossible'. "For each assignment, we select the right translator. It all has to be... Read more |
'Urban omnivores' of interest to MauritshuisReopened in 2014, the Royal Cabinet of Paintings Mauritshuis, as the top museum in The Hague is officially called, is familiar to everyone, you might say. Every year, the institute on the Hofvijver attracts an average of 450,000 visitors. Much more can't even be achieved, as half a million is the critical limit. "If you come... Read more |