Rademakers and Kinsbergen

Lisette Rademakers developed her own sonic toothbrush: Solid

Cosmetic dentist Lisette Rademakers was regularly asked: what is the best toothbrush? After thorough research, she was not satisfied. Now she has developed her own brush: Solid

Lisette Rademakers Solid toothbrush


27 December 2021


Annerieke Simeone


Fleur Beemster

Rademakers and Kinsbergen

Lisette Rademakers developed her own sonic toothbrush: Solid

Cosmetic dentist Lisette Rademakers was regularly asked: what is the best toothbrush? After thorough research, she was not satisfied. Now she has developed her own brush: Solid

In Lisette Rademakers' practice at chic Parkweg 27, people come to have their teeth beautified at the highest level. The cosmetic dentist therefore regularly gets the question: what is the best toothbrush?

Sonic is better than electric

In the past, The Hague recommended a sonic version that she used herself: those from Philips or Braun. Sitting behind her white table, she explains: "Sonic is better than electric. The power of good brushing is in the toothbrush head. With sonic brushes, the bristles vibrate at a higher speed than electric ones.

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The more vibrations per minute, the more brushing strokes. Think of it as a pressure washer cleaning your teeth. Sonic toothbrushes also have an oval brush head instead of a round one. The advantage of this is that you cover a large tooth surface faster."

'Nothing is worse than foul breath'

In recent years, however, Lisette Rademakers became less and less enthusiastic about sonic brushes. "Suddenly you had to download an app to use them properly. And those things were constantly breaking down. Or the battery went flat quickly. Moreover, they became more and more expensive. At the end, I was paying more than 200 euros for a brush." Finding no good alternatives, one day she said to her colleague and dental technician Jessica Kinsbergen, "Why don't we actually make one ourselves?


The two dental specialists ordered about 20 sonic brushes. After that, the ladies knew exactly what they wanted. The result stands on Rademakers' table: 'Solid'. "Reliable and solid." And in two luxury versions: black and white. "This head has a lot of hair and is very soft. That gives the most polishing effect without affecting your enamel. The battery lasts at least six weeks and the brush is super light compared to other versions. Feel it. Very nice for people with joint problems."

'We call it 'the better brush by us' here'

Solid, launched this autumn, has six modes. Rademakers runs through them one by one. "'Tongue' speaks for itself, I wanted that one in particular," she says. She turns over the back of the brush. "This is the tongue scraper. Meant to remove waste products from your body and for your 'luft'. Nothing is worse than an unfresh breath."

Lisette Rademakers

Lisette Rademakers on the terrace of her practice.

She continues: "'Brush' is the standard mode, 'fresh' brushes a little deeper, 'sense' is for people with sensitive gums and 'gummy' is just for cleaning the gums. And then there is 'shine'. With that, you polish your teeth in combination with our scrub."


Rademakers and Kinsbergen have now acquired a taste for it. Because the scrub is coming next year. "I would say use just before going out, up to twice a week. It removes all the tarnish. You walk out with a mouth full of white teeth."

The key question, of course, is: what can it cost? "For the brush you pay 89 euros, for the scrub 12 euros. And I would change brush heads every two months. A new one costs 6 euros. If you take a subscription, you'll spend 5 euros."

Solid toothbrush

She herself has been using the Solid toothbrush prototype for months. "Believe me, this will make you happy. We are very happy with this design." Her haggard white teeth bare smiling, "That's why we call it 'the better brush by us' here. Do we really think so."

Solid's sonic toothbrush and scrub can be purchased via the online shop or at the practice on Parkweg 27 itself.


date 27 December 2021
text Annerieke Simeone image Fleur Beemster

In Lisette Rademakers' practice at chic Parkweg 27, people come to have their teeth beautified at the highest level. The cosmetic dentist therefore regularly gets the question: what is the best toothbrush?

Sonic is better than electric

In the past, The Hague recommended a sonic version that she used herself: those from Philips or Braun. Sitting behind her white table, she explains: "Sonic is better than electric. The power of good brushing is in the toothbrush head. With sonic brushes, the bristles vibrate at a higher speed than electric ones.

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The more vibrations per minute, the more brushing strokes. Think of it as a pressure washer cleaning your teeth. Sonic toothbrushes also have an oval brush head instead of a round one. The advantage of this is that you cover a large tooth surface faster."

'Nothing is worse than foul breath'

In recent years, however, Lisette Rademakers became less and less enthusiastic about sonic brushes. "Suddenly you had to download an app to use them properly. And those things were constantly breaking down. Or the battery went flat quickly. Moreover, they became more and more expensive. At the end, I was paying more than 200 euros for a brush." Finding no good alternatives, one day she said to her colleague and dental technician Jessica Kinsbergen, "Why don't we actually make one ourselves?


The two dental specialists ordered about 20 sonic brushes. After that, the ladies knew exactly what they wanted. The result stands on Rademakers' table: 'Solid'. "Reliable and solid." And in two luxury versions: black and white. "This head has a lot of hair and is very soft. That gives the most polishing effect without affecting your enamel. The battery lasts at least six weeks and the brush is super light compared to other versions. Feel it. Very nice for people with joint problems."

'We call it 'the better brush by us' here'

Solid, launched this autumn, has six modes. Rademakers runs through them one by one. "'Tongue' speaks for itself, I wanted that one in particular," she says. She turns over the back of the brush. "This is the tongue scraper. Meant to remove waste products from your body and for your 'luft'. Nothing is worse than an unfresh breath."

Lisette Rademakers

Lisette Rademakers on the terrace of her practice.

She continues: "'Brush' is the standard mode, 'fresh' brushes a little deeper, 'sense' is for people with sensitive gums and 'gummy' is just for cleaning the gums. And then there is 'shine'. With that, you polish your teeth in combination with our scrub."


Rademakers and Kinsbergen have now acquired a taste for it. Because the scrub is coming next year. "I would say use just before going out, up to twice a week. It removes all the tarnish. You walk out with a mouth full of white teeth."

The key question, of course, is: what can it cost? "For the brush you pay 89 euros, for the scrub 12 euros. And I would change brush heads every two months. A new one costs 6 euros. If you take a subscription, you'll spend 5 euros."

Solid toothbrush

She herself has been using the Solid toothbrush prototype for months. "Believe me, this will make you happy. We are very happy with this design." Her haggard white teeth bare smiling, "That's why we call it 'the better brush by us' here. Do we really think so."

Solid's sonic toothbrush and scrub can be purchased via the online shop or at the practice on Parkweg 27 itself.
